Digital Writer 4.4.0


  • Editor Service >=3.6>=4.0
  • Concept Backend >=2.6

Released 2018-04-16

Release overview

Support for turning off annotations for paragraph styles

It is possible to configure that text annotations should be disabled for specific paragraph styles. This means that there will be no context menu when selecting text in the paragraph in question.

Writer release in airplane menu

It is now possible to see which version of writer that is currently deployed, in the airplane menu.

Various bug fixes

Changes in this release

New Feature

  • WRIT-606 - Add functionality to register handlers to concept type operations


  • WRIT-617 - Add version (tag) information in versions.json file
  • WRIT-615 - Image proxy in Writer
  • WRIT-612 - Support suppressing annotations on textstyles


Upgrade notes