Digital Writer 3.13.0


  • Editor Service >=3.6
  • Concept Backend >=2.6

Released 2018-02-08

Upgrade notes

WRIT-538 ParentNodeHook in Substance does not handle table cells correctly

Requires a rebuild of substance using the parent-node-hook-fix branch. Done using npm run build-dep.


New Feature


  • WRIT-555 - Extract Pagination component into its own UIComponent
  • WRIT-518 - Contentrelations: Extend search and filter capabilities


  • WRIT-538 - ParentNodeHook in Substance does not handle table cells correctly
  • WRIT-530 - Document saved event must be sent after onAfterSaveHooks have finished
  • WRIT-516 - Keybinding viewer modal does not scroll
  • WRIT-368 - Using CTRL+click on mouse pads in OSX to trigger context menu closes context menu immediately