Digital Writer 3.5


  • Editor Service >=3.0
  • Concept Backend >=2.6

Released 2017-09-01

Upgrade notes

WRIT-376 Fallback solution for image workflow when Imgix is not responding

When rendering images in an article, Digital Writer will test each of the “render URLs” that the backend (Editor Service) serve before using it.

If the “image service URL”, e.g. Imgix URL, responds it will be used. If image service does not respond, Digital Writer will test the fallback URL. If the fallback URL does not work, Digital Writer will default to using the URL to the original image.


New Feature

  • WRIT-428 - Add timeout to HEAD request when getting render URL
  • WRIT-376 - Fallback solution for image workflow when Imgix is not responding

