Writer Plugins 12.0.0


  • Writer >=6.1.0

Released 2019-11-19

Release overview


This release continues to focus on removing several plugins and moving them into the new plugin workflow. See https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/ for more information.


Upgrading the Plugin Bundle means that all plugins removed from the bundle must be reconfigured to new endpoints.

Changes in this release

New Feature


  • WPLUG-585 - Migrate se.infomaker.conceptpublicationchannel to its own repository
  • WPLUG-583 - Migrate se.infomaker.charactertransformation to its own repository
  • WPLUG-582 - Migrate se.infomaker.articlelanguage plugin to its own repository
  • WPLUG-581 - Migrate se.infomaker.imidtracker to its own repository
  • WPLUG-580 - Upgrade Node version from v8.16.0 to v12.13.0 in Writer PluginBundle
  • WPLUG-579 - Migrate se.infomaker.options plugin to its own repository
  • WPLUG-576 - Migrate se.infomaker.editorialnote to its own repository
  • WPLUG-575 - Migrate se.infomaker.externalupdate plugin to it’s own repository
  • WPLUG-572 - Remove se.infomaker.contentpart from bundle
  • WPLUG-571 - Migrate se.infomaker.contentrelations to its own repository


Upgrade notes

WPLUG-585 Migrate se.infomaker.conceptpublicationchannel to its own repository

(!) From this version of the Plugin Bundle se.infomaker.conceptpublicationchannel has moved. Please use https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-conceptpublicationchannel/1.0.0/README.html instead, if you need to upgrade.

WPLUG-583 Migrate se.infomaker.charactertransformation to its own repository

(!) From this version of the Plugin Bundle se.infomaker.charactertransformation has moved. Please use https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-charactertransformation/1.0.0/README.html instead, if you need to upgrade.

WPLUG-582 Migrate se.infomaker.articlelanguage plugin to its own repository

(!) From this version of the Plugin Bundle se.infomaker.articlelanguage has moved. Please use https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-articlelanguage/1.0.0/README.html instead, if you need to upgrade.

WPLUG-581 Migrate se.infomaker.imidtracker to its own repository

(!) From this version of the Plugin Bundle se.infomaker.imidtracker has moved. Please use https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-imidtracker/1.0.1/README.html instead, if you need to upgrade.

WPLUG-579 Migrate se.infomaker.options plugin to its own repository

(!) From this version of the Plugin Bundle se.infomaker.options has moved. Please use https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-options/1.0.1/README.html instead, if you need to upgrade.

WPLUG-576 Migrate se.infomaker.editorialnote to its own repository

(!) From this version of the Plugin Bundle, se.infomaker.editorialnote has moved. Please use https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-editorialnote/1.0.0/README.html instead, if you need to upgrade.

WPLUG-575 Migrate se.infomaker.externalupdate plugin to it’s own repository

(!) From this version of the Plugin Bundle se.infomaker.externalupdate has moved. Please use https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-externalupdate/1.0.0/README.html instead, if you need to upgrade.

WPLUG-571 Migrate se.infomaker.contentrelations to its own repository

(!) From this version of the Plugin Bundle se.infomaker.contentrelations has moved. Please use https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/v1/infomaker/im-contentrelations/1.0.0/README.html instead, if you need to upgrade