Writer Plugins 7.9.0


  • Writer >=4.11.0

Released 2019-01-22

Release overview


Requires Writer >= 4.11.0


This release is focused on improving user experience, removing long standing bugs and get the plugin bundle up to par with the latest api deprecations introduced in Writer 4.11.0

Changes in this release

New Feature


  • WPLUG-458 - Content menu option labels should be consistent
  • WPLUG-455 - Use same labels for search and result in content relation search as in archive search
  • WPLUG-454 - Use drop down menu’s legacy styling for Article Language menu
  • WPLUG-442 - Resolve deprecation warnings introduced in Writer 4.11.0
  • WPLUG-441 - Clarify the labels for Image display mode in the settings menu
  • WPLUG-430 - Table column width should compress less when text is added
  • WPLUG-426 - When editing an image’s archive information, it should focus on the first input field in the dialog
  • WPLUG-422 - When a Factbox is added, it should focus on the first input field in the box
  • WPLUG-421 - It should be possible to use Search and Replace to replace all occurrences of a word or phrase
  • WPLUG-417 - Add configurable Infocaster settings to External Update plugin


  • WPLUG-464 - YouTube embed should not break History plugin when saving a new article
  • WPLUG-463 - History plugin must update the UI when item or items are removed from the history
  • WPLUG-461 - Table insert option should be displayed correctly in a dense content menu of writer 4.11.0
  • WPLUG-460 - History plugin description should state it lists many articles, not only versions of current article
  • WPLUG-459 - Date field in publishflow plugin should be completely visible when using US locale
  • WPLUG-457 - Youtube plugin should not break when youtube embed returns 401 unauthorized
  • WPLUG-449 - Allow News value in News Priority plugin to be displayed as 0
  • WPLUG-448 - Adding a teaser when there is a block node at the top of an article should not cause the Writer to crash
  • WPLUG-447 - It should be possible to create concepts but not edit them
  • WPLUG-440 - Update publication date in PublishFlow when the date is updated with Partial Update
  • WPLUG-439 - Selection should be correctly set on an image when it’s added to the article
  • WPLUG-228 - Ensure correct XML format after a “section” is removed

Upgrade notes