Writer Plugins 7.1.0


  • Writer >=4.3.0

Released 2018-04-04

Release overview

Placeholders for paragraph styles

Paragraph styles now display placeholder texts in the article for empty paragraphs. This can be used to notify the user that there is missing texts in the document. To use this new functionality the ‘instructional text’ in the article template should be removed, and just keep an empty paragraph with the wanted text style.

Support for avatar in concepts

When concepts has avatars, they are displayed in search result lists and in selected concepts in the writer metadata tabs.

Text marker plugin

There is a new plugin called marker, which can be used to highlight text in custom ways. For information about configuration, please look at the plugin README.md file

Support for minimizing images in the article

To enhance readability of the article text, there is an option in the Airplane menu to make images in the article smaller. When selecting the image, the edit functionality re-appears.

Keyboard shortcuts for paragraph text styles

It is now possible to use keyboard shortcuts to select text style for the current paragraph. Default shortcuts are

Standard shortcut Mac shortcut Text style
Ctrl + Alt + 0 Cmd + Alt + 0 Body
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Cmd + Alt + 1 Headline
Ctrl + Alt + 2 Cmd + Alt + 2 Subheadline
Ctrl + Alt + 3 Cmd + Alt + 3 Preamble
Ctrl + Alt + 4 Cmd + Alt + 4 Block quote

It is possible to have custom keyboard shortcuts for all text styles. Please see Text styles README.md file

Changes in this release

New Feature

  • WPLUG-285 - Add keyboard shortcuts to paragraph text styles
  • WPLUG-273 - Add functionality to minimize Image plugin in text area
  • WPLUG-266 - Add text marker plugin
  • WPLUG-219 - Support placeholders for headers, paragraphs and other text styles


  • WPLUG-287 - Use configurable keyboard shortcuts for text styles
  • WPLUG-270 - ConceptPlugin: Improve search functionality and extend info about search result for ConceptMapComponent
  • WPLUG-238 - Review text style types CSS
  • WPLUG-236 - ConceptPlugin: Use concept avatar on selected items and on search result


  • WPLUG-286 - Validation of review grades should accept empty grade (null or empty) in SLM specific validation plugin

Upgrade notes

WPLUG-219 Support placeholders for headers, paragraphs and other text styles

In order to take full advantage of placeholders, newsML templates that contain dummy texts like “Headline here” or “Text here…” must have these removed.

WPLUG-236 ConceptPlugin: Use concept avatar on selected items and on search result

Extended avatar functionality

Requires writer > 4.3.0

writer-config updates

Needs a new property in ConceptService-configuration: propertyMap

    "ConceptAvatarUuid": "ConceptAvatarUuid",