Writer Plugins 7.0.1


  • Writer >=4.0.0

Released 2018-03-06

Upgrade notes

Now renders all duplicates with warning outline and message to inform about duplicates.

No configuration changes needed.


New Feature


  • WPLUG-250 - ConceptPlugin should not render tooltip when there is no short description or other text message to display


  • WPLUG-262 - conceptplugin: Concept is not removed from UI when switching tab and then removing concept
  • WPLUG-259 - Concept: Add content-profile is broken
  • WPLUG-257 - Concept modals not displayed with overflow scroll
  • WPLUG-256 - digital.job: Problem getting images from digital database for digital version >= 4.9.7
  • WPLUG-254 - Iframely: urlBlacklist and urlWhitelist in config do not work
  • WPLUG-252 - Dragging an image when sorting images in image make image disappear from list
  • WPLUG-251 - ConceptPlugin: should not crash when there are duplicate links in document