Writer Plugins 6.1.0


  • Writer >=3.11.0

Released 2018-01-18

Upgrade notes

WPLUG-211 Image and teaser plugin: Better handling of broken images

Requires Writer issue https://jira.infomaker.se/browse/WRIT-512.

WPLUG-160 Enhanced Concepts

New ximconcept plugin

  • requires Writer 3.11.0 (issue https://jira.infomaker.se/browse/WRIT-493)
  • Requires OC > 2.0.1 (hierarchical properties)

Config needed to enable this new plugin is available in the concept README.md file.

Example: Author:

    "id": "se.infomaker.ximconcept.author",
    "name": "ximconcept",
    "url": "https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/releases/{PLUGIN_VERSION}/im-ximconcept.js?concept=author",
    "style": "https://plugins.writer.infomaker.io/releases/{PLUGIN_VERSION}/im-ximconcept.css?concept=author",
    "enabled": true,
    "mandatory": false,
    "data": {
        "label": "Författare",
        "name": "x-im/author",
        "enableHierarchy": false,
        "editable": true,
        "placeholderText": "Sök skribent",
        "appendDataToLink": true,
        "provider": "writer",
        "pubStatus": "imext:draft"

And additional config in writer-config.json


"conceptServiceConfig": {
    "conceptPath": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/concepts-config-dev/writer/",
    "baProxy": {
        "protocol": "http://",
        "hostName": "localhost",
        "port": "5555",
        "healthPath": "/health",
        "queryPath": "/search",
        "objectPath": "/objects"
    "contenttype": "Concept",
    "broaderLimit": 3,
    "relatedGeoFunction": "Contains",
    "relatedGeoExludeSelf": false,
    "searchLimit": 50,
    "sortField": "ConceptNameString",
    "propertyMap": {


New Feature

  • WPLUG-95 - Focus on (empty) concept field should make it behave as the user had search for *


  • WPLUG-217 - Extended error handling in concepts plugin
  • WPLUG-214 - Iframely: Only trigger macro when URL contains no trailing whitespace
  • WPLUG-211 - Image and teaser plugin: Better handling of broken images
  • WPLUG-160 - Enhanced Concepts


  • WPLUG-138 - Pasting an image URL inside a non-empty paragraph fails